Pavillon Provisoire

Pavillon Provisoire Grand Dixence1994

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Babl Dixence 001

Plateforme d’échange

Jean-Luc Godard Opération Béton’. Documentaire sur la con­struc­tion de la Grande Dixence

Over 10 years of drilling sup­ple­ment­ary water tun­nels towards oth­er val­leys nearby, the Grand Dixence dam was neces­sary to fill more effi­ciently the arti­fi­cial lake. After those works, the former con­tain­er vil­lage on the same site under­neath the grand bar­ri­er was reor­gan­ised to cre­ate a tem­por­ary exhib­i­tion pavil­ion explain­ing the pharaon­ic con­struc­tion of the 50’s with the pro­jec­tion of Opération Béton’ of Jean Luc Godard and the recent upgrad­ing of the 90’s, the gigant­ic tun­nel infra­struc­ture. The con­tain­ers of the type bar­one pre­fab­bric­ati’ were covered by an autonom­ous steel struc­ture to sup­port the heavy snow amounts that can occur at this altitude.

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Babl 005 Grande Dixence 4

L’entrée avec la toit­ure de ren­fort pour sup­port­er les charges de neige en hiver.

Babl 005 Grande Dixence 9

Vue vers la vallée.

Gd Dach

Montana tôles ondulées.

Babl Dixence 001

Jean-Luc Godard Opération Béton’. Documentaire sur la con­struc­tion de la Grande Dixence

Over 10 years of drilling sup­ple­ment­ary water tun­nels towards oth­er val­leys nearby, the Grand Dixence dam was neces­sary to fill more effi­ciently the arti­fi­cial lake. After those works, the former con­tain­er vil­lage on the same site under­neath the grand bar­ri­er was reor­gan­ised to cre­ate a tem­por­ary exhib­i­tion pavil­ion explain­ing the pharaon­ic con­struc­tion of the 50’s with the pro­jec­tion of Opération Béton’ of Jean Luc Godard and the recent upgrad­ing of the 90’s, the gigant­ic tun­nel infra­struc­ture. The con­tain­ers of the type bar­one pre­fab­bric­ati’ were covered by an autonom­ous steel struc­ture to sup­port the heavy snow amounts that can occur at this altitude.

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Babl 005 Grande Dixence 4
Babl 005 Grande Dixence 9
Gd Dach