
Vitrômusée Romont2010

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Babl Cav 006

Conversion of a Glass Art Museum, devel­op­ment of an exhib­i­tion for reverse paint­ing on glass.

Babl Cav 004


Romont Castle is part of the medi­ev­al urb­an struc­ture. It is situ­ated on the break­ing edge of a hill and majestic­ally, yet nat­ur­ally dom­in­ates the Romont land­scape. The com­plex was con­struc­ted on a for­ti­fic­a­tion wall with a square ground plan. It includes a 13th Century build­ing wing, known as the Savoyarde’, anoth­er wing from the 16th Century, Fribourgeoise’, which both face south towards the Apls, and a for­ti­fic­a­tion tower in the west­ern corner. Untilrecently, the two wings were sep­ar­ated from each oth­er. A glass wal­way now con­nects them and draws atten­tion to the loc­a­tion of the entrance. Beneath a covered area along the Savoyarde’. A new exhib­i­tion area is enclosed behind glass. The back light provides ideal con­di­tionsfor exhib­it­ing lar­gr glass items, while fully glass­walled room can also be used as an oran­ger­ie. At night, the oran­ger­ie trans­forms into a large, col­oured lan­tern that floods the castle court­yard with a fas­cin­at­ing aura. The addi­tion­al room also allows bet­ter con­nec­tion for the entire wing. Congresses and events can be held without dis­rupt­ing the museum’s oper­a­tions. The glass walk­way along the for­ti­fic­a­tion wall provides a dir­ect path to the Piano Nobile’ in the Fribourgeoise wing. The pas­sage provides a won­der­ful view of the Roment coun­tryside and rep­res­ents the them­at­ic trans­ition of exhib­i­tion from glass art to reverse paint­ing on glass. In a way, the glass sky­walk is nestled into the exist­ing struc­ture and strengthens the new iden­tity of the museum, as the glass shell oscil­ates between reflec­tion and trans­par­ency. Inside, all rooms are dir­ectly acces­ible via the new ver­tic­al con­nec­tion for the Savoyarde’ so that all rooms are wheelchair-friendly.

Babl Cav 039

Le périmètre du château.

Babl Cav 007

Vue d’en bas.

Babl Cav 038


Babl Cav 035


Babl Cav 036


Babl Cav 040

Le corps de verre.

Babl Cav 030

La nou­velle oran­ger­ie en verre, sus­pen­due comme un pont entre les deux ailes historiques.

Babl Cav 033

Un pont /​oran­ger­ie en verre

Le vit­rail prend place dans l’aile savo­y­arde, prof­it­ant de la trans­par­ence & de la lumière traversante.

Babl Cav 050
Babl Cav 041
Babl Cav 010

La man­u­fac­ture de la façade: La struc­ture en aci­er, le verre étiré, les rac­cords hori­zon­taux en plomb et le mas­tique à base d’huile de lin.

Orangeries we looked at

Babl Cav 026


Babl Cav 025


Babl Cav 023


Babl Cav 029


Une vie­ille machine pour tirer le verre de Electroverre à Romont remie en fonction.

Babl Cav 027
Etirage Fourcault Aniche
Babl Cav 001
Babl Cav 013
Babl Cav 008
Babl Cav 017
Babl Cav 012

Depuis la toit­ure, le nou­vel escal­i­er et l’as­cen­seur en métal se glissent, comme une armure de che­va­lier, entre les murs de molasse. 

Babl Cav 037

La nou­velle cage d’escalier.

Babl Cav 009
Babl Cav 016
Babl Cav 021

La nou­velle cage se glisse à l’intérieur du château depuis la toiture .

Babl Cav 011

La pein­ture sous verre prend place dans l’aile Fribourgeoise.

Babl Cav 044
Babl Cav 028
Babl Cav 031

La pein­ture sous verre…

… est une pro­jec­tion ren­ver­sée, à l’in­verse des images dessinées.

En tout premi­er, on appli­qué la lumière: l’étin­celle dans les yeux, puis l’on peint les yeux, le vis­age, le corps et enfin le con­texte et l’ar­rière plan. 

Babl Cav 048


Babl Cav 049


Babl Cav 003
Babl Cav 005
Babl Cav 022

Vue sur le trésor de 1300 pièces de pein­ture sous verre. 

Babl Cav 019
Babl Cav 006

Conversion of a Glass Art Museum, devel­op­ment of an exhib­i­tion for reverse paint­ing on glass.

Babl Cav 004

Romont Castle is part of the medi­ev­al urb­an struc­ture. It is situ­ated on the break­ing edge of a hill and majestic­ally, yet nat­ur­ally dom­in­ates the Romont land­scape. The com­plex was con­struc­ted on a for­ti­fic­a­tion wall with a square ground plan. It includes a 13th Century build­ing wing, known as the Savoyarde’, anoth­er wing from the 16th Century, Fribourgeoise’, which both face south towards the Apls, and a for­ti­fic­a­tion tower in the west­ern corner. Untilrecently, the two wings were sep­ar­ated from each oth­er. A glass wal­way now con­nects them and draws atten­tion to the loc­a­tion of the entrance. Beneath a covered area along the Savoyarde’. A new exhib­i­tion area is enclosed behind glass. The back light provides ideal con­di­tionsfor exhib­it­ing lar­gr glass items, while fully glass­walled room can also be used as an oran­ger­ie. At night, the oran­ger­ie trans­forms into a large, col­oured lan­tern that floods the castle court­yard with a fas­cin­at­ing aura. The addi­tion­al room also allows bet­ter con­nec­tion for the entire wing. Congresses and events can be held without dis­rupt­ing the museum’s oper­a­tions. The glass walk­way along the for­ti­fic­a­tion wall provides a dir­ect path to the Piano Nobile’ in the Fribourgeoise wing. The pas­sage provides a won­der­ful view of the Roment coun­tryside and rep­res­ents the them­at­ic trans­ition of exhib­i­tion from glass art to reverse paint­ing on glass. In a way, the glass sky­walk is nestled into the exist­ing struc­ture and strengthens the new iden­tity of the museum, as the glass shell oscil­ates between reflec­tion and trans­par­ency. Inside, all rooms are dir­ectly acces­ible via the new ver­tic­al con­nec­tion for the Savoyarde’ so that all rooms are wheelchair-friendly.

Babl Cav 039
Babl Cav 007
Babl Cav 038
Babl Cav 035
Babl Cav 036
Babl Cav 040
Babl Cav 030
Babl Cav 033

Le vit­rail prend place dans l’aile savo­y­arde, prof­it­ant de la trans­par­ence & de la lumière traversante.

Babl Cav 050
Babl Cav 041
Babl Cav 010

Orangeries we looked at

Babl Cav 026
Babl Cav 025
Babl Cav 023
Babl Cav 029

Une vie­ille machine pour tirer le verre de Electroverre à Romont remie en fonction.

Babl Cav 027
Etirage Fourcault Aniche
Babl Cav 001
Babl Cav 013
Babl Cav 008
Babl Cav 017
Babl Cav 012

Depuis la toit­ure, le nou­vel escal­i­er et l’as­cen­seur en métal se glissent, comme une armure de che­va­lier, entre les murs de molasse. 

Babl Cav 037
Babl Cav 009
Babl Cav 016
Babl Cav 021
Babl Cav 011

La pein­ture sous verre prend place dans l’aile Fribourgeoise.

Babl Cav 044
Babl Cav 028
Babl Cav 031

La pein­ture sous verre…

… est une pro­jec­tion ren­ver­sée, à l’in­verse des images dessinées.

En tout premi­er, on appli­qué la lumière: l’étin­celle dans les yeux, puis l’on peint les yeux, le vis­age, le corps et enfin le con­texte et l’ar­rière plan. 

Babl Cav 048
Babl Cav 049
Babl Cav 003
Babl Cav 005
Babl Cav 022
Babl Cav 019