Le Gothard

Le Gothard Fribourg2005

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Babl Gothard 035

To cel­eb­rate the open­ing of the tun­nel, Fribourg decided to change the name of Brasserie Poletti in Le Gothard’.

The Gothard com­plex, a his­tor­ic­al Brasserie, an exem­plary case of con­struct the con­struct­ing’ through­out the ages, needed once again a recon­ver­sion. We tried to hide us behind the exist­ing traces of the etern­al inter­pret­a­tion of the same pro­gram: shar­ing a meal and liv­ing in extreme dense con­di­tions. All decisions taken were based on those some­times fra­gile signs of that what already exis­ted. The mean of our inter­ven­tion should be seen just with­in a small time lapse. The next archi­tect is already in a start pos­i­tion to con­tin­ue the construction. 

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La première con­struc­tion hors murs.

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Le Gothard vue par Jacques Thévoz.

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L’urinoir se trouve au fond, contre le mur donc…

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Les apparte­ments.

12 Gothard 04 Chantier Treppe Web

L’escalier vers les appartements.

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Le puit de lumière.

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La quat­rième façade.

Babl Gothard 009 Web

Un bal­con et veranda.

12 Gothard 13 App 2 Eme Web

apparte­ment en enfilade

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la struc­ture en bois

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Plans res­taur­ant.

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Les cor­rec­tions du faux bois.

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L’ascenseur vers la cave et cuisine reconstruit.

12 Gothard 06 Resto Avant Web
Babl Gothard 011

Escalier vers la cuisine.

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The Gothard com­plex, a his­tor­ic­al Brasserie, an exem­plary case of con­struct the con­struct­ing’ through­out the ages, needed once again a recon­ver­sion. We tried to hide us behind the exist­ing traces of the etern­al inter­pret­a­tion of the same pro­gram: shar­ing a meal and liv­ing in extreme dense con­di­tions. All decisions taken were based on those some­times fra­gile signs of that what already exis­ted. The mean of our inter­ven­tion should be seen just with­in a small time lapse. The next archi­tect is already in a start pos­i­tion to con­tin­ue the construction. 

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Babl Gothard 037 170327 190539
12 Gothard 04 Chantier Treppe Web
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Babl Gothard 009 Web
12 Gothard 13 App 2 Eme Web
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Babl Gothard 006 170327 190625
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Babl Gothard 010
12 Gothard 06 Resto Avant Web
Babl Gothard 011