Les Arsenaux

Les Arsenaux Fribourg2019

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A former arsen­al site, a long tri­an­gu­lar plot shaped by rail­way tracks.

Bildschirmfoto 2020 01 21 Um 21 20 58 Kopie
1 Dji 0017 Kopie

The new quarter, formed by the artic­u­la­tion of six court­yard blocks and a lead­ing Jeanne d’Arc’ like tower, struc­tures a sequence of sol­id and empty spaces.

1200px Eugene Delacroix La liberte guidant le peuple

La Liberté guid­ant le peuple, Eugène Delacroix, 1830

Bildschirmfoto 2020 01 21 Um 21 21 49 Kopie
Arsenaux os bw
2 Turm Kopie
Bildschirmfoto 2020 01 21 Um 21 21 26 Kopie


The staggered voids allow for both dens­ity and wider vistas.

Bildschirmfoto 2020 01 21 Um 21 23 11 Kopie


Ars Drone 6 Kopie
Ars Drone 4 Kopie
Ars Drone 19 Kopie
Ars Drone 15 Kopie

Pieds de Sphynx.

Sans titre 1

Coupe à tra­vers la tour.

Bildschirmfoto 2020 01 21 Um 21 22 51 Kopie

Vides sur deux ou trois étages.

The dis­tributive space in the tower is divided in double high sequences, where through the illu­min­ated sep­ar­at­ing glass floors, the feet of the neigh­bours of the upper apart­ments are perceivable.

Ars Drone 10 Kopie

The over­all height of the facades was reduced in size by using double-storey high façade ele­ments in pre­fab­ric­ated con­crete, which were pro­filed to dif­fer­en­ti­ate the smooth and rough sur­faces, sim­il­ar to the loc­al con­crete fine art of Dumas-Honegger and inspired by the work of Auguste Perret.

Bildschirmfoto 2020 11 16 um 19 20 15 Kopie

Université Miséricorde, Dumas & Honegger, 1941

8 Fenster Zum Platz Kopie
10 Umgebung Kopie

A former arsen­al site, a long tri­an­gu­lar plot shaped by rail­way tracks.

Bildschirmfoto 2020 01 21 Um 21 20 58 Kopie
1 Dji 0017 Kopie

The new quarter, formed by the artic­u­la­tion of six court­yard blocks and a lead­ing Jeanne d’Arc’ like tower, struc­tures a sequence of sol­id and empty spaces.

1200px Eugene Delacroix La liberte guidant le peuple
Bildschirmfoto 2020 01 21 Um 21 21 49 Kopie
Arsenaux os bw
2 Turm Kopie
Bildschirmfoto 2020 01 21 Um 21 21 26 Kopie

The staggered voids allow for both dens­ity and wider vistas.

Bildschirmfoto 2020 01 21 Um 21 23 11 Kopie
Ars Drone 6 Kopie
Ars Drone 4 Kopie
Ars Drone 19 Kopie
Ars Drone 15 Kopie
Sans titre 1
Bildschirmfoto 2020 01 21 Um 21 22 51 Kopie

The dis­tributive space in the tower is divided in double high sequences, where through the illu­min­ated sep­ar­at­ing glass floors, the feet of the neigh­bours of the upper apart­ments are perceivable.

Ars Drone 10 Kopie

The over­all height of the facades was reduced in size by using double-storey high façade ele­ments in pre­fab­ric­ated con­crete, which were pro­filed to dif­fer­en­ti­ate the smooth and rough sur­faces, sim­il­ar to the loc­al con­crete fine art of Dumas-Honegger and inspired by the work of Auguste Perret.

Bildschirmfoto 2020 11 16 um 19 20 15 Kopie
8 Fenster Zum Platz Kopie
10 Umgebung Kopie