Maison Boris

Maison Boris Vuisse-Saviese (VS)2008

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Babl Membrez 22

Eh hop! Un petit géant assit…

Little house for a graph­ic design­er situ­ated in the vine­yards above Sion in the Valey. We set the house on a big foot par­al­lel to the vine plant­ing geo­metry, how­ever, the vec­tor of the majest­ic view in the dir­ec­tion of the Rhône was slightly anoth­er per­spect­ive. This is the reas­on why one side is cut with a cor­rect­ive angle’, pro­du­cing a little com­plex­ity and impulse for decisions in the organ­isa­tion of the plan and sec­tion. The ter­race seems to be the only imprint on the pre­cious terroir” and gives the image of the con­struc­tion some­thing tem­por­ary. It could be that the house hops like a rab­bit fur­ther on… 

Babl Membrez 06


Babl Membrez 02


Babl Membrez 03


Babl Membrez Breughel 1

Bruegel reprend le geste… 

Sans Titre 2
Babl Membrez 032

Un acte de balance.

Babl Membrez 09
Babl Membrez 10
Babl Membrez 15
Babl Membrez 08
Babl Membrez 20

En bas

Babl Membrez 18

Vers le haut.

Babl Membrez 05


Babl Membrez 19
Babl Membrez 11

Les feuilles d’un figuier cachent l’intimité.

Babl Membrez 13

Il y habite… 

Babl Membrez 22

Eh hop! Un petit géant assit…

Little house for a graph­ic design­er situ­ated in the vine­yards above Sion in the Valey. We set the house on a big foot par­al­lel to the vine plant­ing geo­metry, how­ever, the vec­tor of the majest­ic view in the dir­ec­tion of the Rhône was slightly anoth­er per­spect­ive. This is the reas­on why one side is cut with a cor­rect­ive angle’, pro­du­cing a little com­plex­ity and impulse for decisions in the organ­isa­tion of the plan and sec­tion. The ter­race seems to be the only imprint on the pre­cious terroir” and gives the image of the con­struc­tion some­thing tem­por­ary. It could be that the house hops like a rab­bit fur­ther on… 

Babl Membrez 06
Babl Membrez 02
Babl Membrez 03
Babl Membrez Breughel 1

Bruegel reprend le geste… 

Sans Titre 2
Babl Membrez 032
Babl Membrez 09
Babl Membrez 10
Babl Membrez 15
Babl Membrez 08
Babl Membrez 20
Babl Membrez 18
Babl Membrez 05
Babl Membrez 19
Babl Membrez 11
Babl Membrez 13