Musée Jenisch

Musée Jenisch Vevey2013

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Babl Jenisch 34

Located in Vevey on the shores of Lake Geneva (one of the stages of the Romantic Grand Tour’) the museum attracts vis­it­ors drawn by the her­it­age of Rousseau and Byron. It owes its cre­ation to a gift: as a mark of her grat­it­ude towards a town in which she had spent many happy times with her hus­band, Fanny Jenisch (18011881), the wid­ow of a sen­at­or from Hamburg, donates two hun­dred thou­sand gold francs to the town of Vevey to fund the con­struc­tion of an encyc­lo­paed­ic museum com­bin­ing art and science.


La gir­affe de Vevey.

Inaugurated in March 1897, the museum is built in a neo-clas­sic­al style by the archi­tects Maillard and Convert. A rep­lica of the Parthenon frieze adorns its façade, while the entrance hall and main stair­case have mosa­ic floors and are dec­or­ated with columns and statues based on mod­els from Antiquity. In accord­ance with Fanny’s wishes the museum also houses a lib­rary, and wel­comes gen­er­a­tions of school­chil­dren who come to dis­cov­er its stuffed anim­als – includ­ing the fam­ous gir­affe – and attend draw­ing les­sons. In the 1980s, the sci­entif­ic col­lec­tions are trans­ferred to the can­ton­al zoology museum in Lausanne. In 1989, the ren­ov­ated museum becomes home to the Fondation Oskar Kokoschka and the Canton of Vaud prints col­lec­tion. The depar­ture of the muni­cip­al lib­rary in 2004 frees up a space on the lower level, enabling the now some­what cramped museum to expand in order to accom­mod­ate its grow­ing collections.

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Rez supérieur.

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Coupe trans­ver­s­ale.

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Coupe lon­git­ud­inale.

We tried to embed the his­tor­ic build­ing in its mod­ern con­text while remain­ing faith­ful to its past. Wherever pos­sible, the aim was to restore the build­ing to its ori­gin­al appear­ance pre­serving the unique atmo­sphere, reflec­ted in the mosa­ic floors and the col­or­a­tion of the walls in the hall. Passing through the entrance hall with its remark­able epic décor, so redol­ent of Antiquity – columns, mould­ings, Pompeii-style walls and fres­coes by Ernest Biéler – vis­it­ors encounter the exhib­i­tion gal­ler­ies in the mod­ern­ised areas, in a delib­er­ate depar­ture from the his­tor­icising register. The museum now houses tem­por­ary exhib­i­tions on the ground floor, while the high­lights – the his­tor­ic­al col­lec­tions, from 16th-cen­tury paint­ings to con­tem­por­ary works, the Fondation Oskar Kokoschka sec­tion, the prints and draw­ings – are on per­man­ent dis­play on the upper floor, with reg­u­larly chan­ging hangings.

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La méch­a­nique physique des flux et lumières.

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Les différences géométriques entre la logique de dedans et dehors. 

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Le jeu entre la lumière de jour et arti­fi­ci­elle, l’in­tens­ité et la tem­pérat­ure conditionnée.

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La salle Kokoschka.

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La salle des estampes en lav­is Mariette’, basée sur une har­monie en bleu, blanc et or de cadre.

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Le hall d’en­trée avec un béli­er de Troie.

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Le desk d’ac­cueil mobil qui reprend la tex­ture d’un béli­er du fresque au fond. 

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la voilà le béli­er en cause..

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Jenisch Eingang

Le gardi­en prin­cip­al dans sa bête.

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Les cheveux peints à la main un par un.

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Une vit­rine albino.

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La bib­lio­thèque sous le toit.

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L’escalier recon­stru­it vers la col­lec­tion dans la cave.

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Béton pon­cé.

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Le dépot des tableaux.

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L’arrière de Jenisch avec l’ég­lise ortho­dox de la même époque.

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Jenisch noc­turne.

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Located in Vevey on the shores of Lake Geneva (one of the stages of the Romantic Grand Tour’) the museum attracts vis­it­ors drawn by the her­it­age of Rousseau and Byron. It owes its cre­ation to a gift: as a mark of her grat­it­ude towards a town in which she had spent many happy times with her hus­band, Fanny Jenisch (18011881), the wid­ow of a sen­at­or from Hamburg, donates two hun­dred thou­sand gold francs to the town of Vevey to fund the con­struc­tion of an encyc­lo­paed­ic museum com­bin­ing art and science.


Inaugurated in March 1897, the museum is built in a neo-clas­sic­al style by the archi­tects Maillard and Convert. A rep­lica of the Parthenon frieze adorns its façade, while the entrance hall and main stair­case have mosa­ic floors and are dec­or­ated with columns and statues based on mod­els from Antiquity. In accord­ance with Fanny’s wishes the museum also houses a lib­rary, and wel­comes gen­er­a­tions of school­chil­dren who come to dis­cov­er its stuffed anim­als – includ­ing the fam­ous gir­affe – and attend draw­ing les­sons. In the 1980s, the sci­entif­ic col­lec­tions are trans­ferred to the can­ton­al zoology museum in Lausanne. In 1989, the ren­ov­ated museum becomes home to the Fondation Oskar Kokoschka and the Canton of Vaud prints col­lec­tion. The depar­ture of the muni­cip­al lib­rary in 2004 frees up a space on the lower level, enabling the now some­what cramped museum to expand in order to accom­mod­ate its grow­ing collections.

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We tried to embed the his­tor­ic build­ing in its mod­ern con­text while remain­ing faith­ful to its past. Wherever pos­sible, the aim was to restore the build­ing to its ori­gin­al appear­ance pre­serving the unique atmo­sphere, reflec­ted in the mosa­ic floors and the col­or­a­tion of the walls in the hall. Passing through the entrance hall with its remark­able epic décor, so redol­ent of Antiquity – columns, mould­ings, Pompeii-style walls and fres­coes by Ernest Biéler – vis­it­ors encounter the exhib­i­tion gal­ler­ies in the mod­ern­ised areas, in a delib­er­ate depar­ture from the his­tor­icising register. The museum now houses tem­por­ary exhib­i­tions on the ground floor, while the high­lights – the his­tor­ic­al col­lec­tions, from 16th-cen­tury paint­ings to con­tem­por­ary works, the Fondation Oskar Kokoschka sec­tion, the prints and draw­ings – are on per­man­ent dis­play on the upper floor, with reg­u­larly chan­ging hangings.

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Jenisch Eingang
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